Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Turning the Frown Upside Down

Current Weight: 221.6
Total Weight Lost: 8.2

Biggest Challenge: Continuting to choose the healthier option while dining out and trying to cut back on the late night meals. 

Favorite Meals: Chicken Nachos that my roommate the nursing student made.  So good and so healthy!

What I'm Most Proud Of: I got back in the gym and increased my physical activity.  It took me a while, but I'm realizing that it's a big part of me not being consistant on the scale.

Goals for the Week: Going out of town for a conference and making the best choices for my meals instead of eating what's convienent at the time.  The second challenge is recording what I eat.  It's the most imporant compenent of WW and I've got to do better.

1 comment:

  1. your really doing amazing, keep up the great work!

    I am interested in those chicken nachos, maybe you could share the recipe sometime soon :D


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